I surely didn't. I mean, in general terms I knew that Japan has one of the world's most ancient island cultures whose historic roots dates back far beyond Western European. A classic culture cut off in many ways from the vast continent of Asia Japan was isolated up into modern times.
Yet for as far back as ancient Japanese historic record can be traced, it too fails to explain basic questions such as who were the first Japanese, how did they get to the Island and where did they get their technology and culture from? Just how ancient is the Japanese culture and why like so many others it claims a physical/genetic and direct cultural link with beings from heaven or "outer space"?
Many of these origin myths in fact go back to the very stones at discussion in this article.
Not until recent history has public interest into the origin of megalithic sites around the globe been so intense and persistent. Year after year more evidence becomes known to science which supports to a history as yet unrecorded - a culture as yet un-named and arising long before the time of modern human history.
Their awe-inspiring girth by all standards is a silent scream of advanced unknown, a now somehow... lost ancient culture.
These are facts, the stones are real - and the puzzle demands some keen, unique and fresh mode of decipherment. If the stones themselves are a type of preserved and encrypted message, surely the key is within our grasp - it is my contention that we have the answers, but somehow were just not putting it all together,
Almost as a testament to this increasingly acceptable belief, are the unimaginably large, and complex, megalithic stones abandoned at sites across the entire globe. With few exceptions, almost all human cultures can be traced back to cultural origins. In many cases the reasons for the creation of the stones is known, while the means of their creation is lost.
Modern man stands before these monuments in awe, almost as if we know that the answer to the stone's existence can somehow explain our own origins. With this in mind travelers cover the Earth from corner to corner seeking to stand in the presence of, and even touch some of these vast monuments. Silent sentinels of the past they guard these secrets, giving only hints at the enigma behind their creation.
One of the purposes of this blog is to accumulate evidence, photos, and information relating to these phenomena, so as to better understand and maybe even some day decipher the message so laboriously left by the forebearers of every human civilization and culture on the planet.
From analyzing these sites for many years, it seems clear that the there are things one can deduce from them. These are things that they all have in common which lends credibility to the ancient astronaut theory:
- In original works only specific and particular type of stone are ever used.
- Only specific geometric shapes are ever incorporated.
- Tools and machines ran by unknown power sources were used in construction of at least some of these, along with a mode of transport that did not use wheels, or pulleys.
- The science behind the technology seems to have a single origin which somehow was shared across cultures and was ultimately also lost across all cultures as well (this in itself is a mystery, as if the holders of this knowledge simply 'left').
- The appearance of these cultures seems to have arrived concomitantly with other types of knowledge about the Earth and its resources, and with which all modern civilizations were built.
- While these monuments seem to have been produced across a vast spectrum of time, at some point a cataclysm occurred created a break in cultural/ historic human awareness - and this higher technologic and scientific knowledge was lost.
- Most cultures admit that they did not build these monuments and have no idea how they were constructed or who did it other than 'the gods' or 'the ancestors from above'.
Many of the following photos posted by traveler and blogger Kara Yamaguchi, author of the book "Spirit of Mu", and creator of the blogsite: Sacred Site Tours, will make you rethink the origins of Japanese culture and maybe even human culture as well!
This huge megalith is not native to this area and is believed to have been flown to it's current resting place.
This amazing platform of hewn stone was probably above water 12,000 years ago. Known as the Yamagooni megalith it has forced science to rethink assertions about the development of human civilization and possible lost civilizations even more advanced than our own. The problem for scientists is that this age falls outside of the mainstream historical record. Indeed, there seems to be a need for an entire re-interpretation of existing data, consideration of new data and contemplation of new and maybe even radical conclusions.
A seemingly endless number of questions persist around the origin of these megalithic remnants of our past, yet few people even know of their existence and their monument size. Adding to the buzz in recent years even more formerly unknown civilizations and their monuments have been discovered.
The following photos are just a sample of what exists in on single island chain, not normally known for its pyramids, megaliths and lost civilizations. Being one of the lesser known "lost civilizations" photos and information about this area are all the more interesting!
Thanks to travelers like Kara, we are given a firsthand view of one of Japan's most enduring mysteries. Informing the public about the existence and absolute megalithic size of these prehistoric relics is the first step in starting to unravel the underlying mystery.
Known as Masuda-no-iwafune said to mean "Rock Ship of Masuda" are of unknown origin and purpose and predate Japanese culture. At 26x15 feet it is made of solid granite and weighs over 800 tons. The holes on top are about a meter square and go through to the ground. Japanese history states that these stones were flown to their positions by the "gods" while other's specifically state that they were flown to their existing places by the "Yellow Emperor" the first mythical founder of Chinese civilization. Still other's suggest that at least some of these stones are remnants of a culture which predates all of our known human cultures and may even be connected to the mythical Atlantis.
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Illustration of giant keystone found in Japanese forest but of unknown origin. This artistic recreation fails to illustrate the gap which is between the stone and the water making the stone appear to levitate.
Strange cutout stone seems almost out of place and had an unknown function predating Japanese history.
These many megaliths dot the Japanese country side, and are believed to have been quarried, cut, moved and abandoned, thousands of years before the present by an unknown culture.
The impossible sizes of these stones challenge even the most astute scientific scrutiny and simply boggle the mind with weights above 100 tonnes. You really have to wonder "why" anybody would make an impossible sized stone, in pre-historic times, then haul it up (down) a mountain, and just... abandon it!? While certainly, the true story is a mystery beyond belief, however local legend is that these and many others like them were "flown" to their current locations. Any guesses?
This huge stone resembles a loaf of sliced bread sitting upon a hill. These slices are not natural and it is probable that the stone was moved from another location. While some may argue that this is a natural formation, closer inspection will reveal smooth planes and sharp edges indicating artificial "carving" of this huge mega ton stone larger than a building and brought from another location.
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This amazing photo captures a huge expanse of terrace allowing a full view of this amazing plateau. While mainstream scientists argue it is a natural formation (their default argument on anything old and unexplainable), modern interpretations of the newest data continue to support the view that long ago this land was above the water, and was carved by some unknown culture as a series of boat ports and harbors over time until the area at some point fell the under ocean. |
More precise key cuts indicate this area was high above the water line when the rock was cut. These mysterious cuts baffle scientists as to how and why they were cut long ago by unknown person's. One possible use would be to triangulate specific points in the sky and or the motion of various solar bodies. This would explain the progressive movement of the patterned holes.
Many cultures revered both the stones on Earth, and bodies in heaven seeing a connection between the two in which man could commune with the "gods" above and within the Earth. Even the means by which these stones were so precisely cut into the granite raises quite controversial arguments, since the object used to cut the stone must be harder than the stone itself... in some cases these stones were believed have been cut long before the end of the stone age. Hence if bone, and stone itself could not have been achieved this ... then WHAT was used?!?
Ancient stones with these cuts can be found all around the Japanese Islands, while similar ones can be found as far away as South America.
These plaques are ancient, and mysterious, raising questions about a lost civilization their language and what they were saying with these beautiful yet familiar symbols.